I'm getting this error in a HP-UX machine
+ IFS=;
/home/machine1/folder/borrado_de_logs.sh[45]: read: A specified flag is not valid for this command.
And I'm using this code
head -1 $rutatemporal/logfechas.log > $rutatemporal/cabecera.txt
cabecera=`cat $rutatemporal/cabecera.txt`
IFS=';' read -a arreglo<<EOF
In Hp-UX its seems that read -a
is not allowed
what argument I should use with read
the content of cabecera.txt is this:
It's probably because -a
is not a POSIX compliant flag support for the read command. So it is not surprising that the default shell available in your HP-UX machine is not supporting it.
You can still use the read
command without -a
to split and store on individual variable names as below. Also you don't need a here-doc to read from the input file, but rather use the read
command directly on the file itself
IFS=\; read -r date path < "$rutatemporal"/cabecera.txt
echo "$date"
echo "$path"