I want to access my home computer from work through SSH, but the problem is my home computer is behind a NAT router (which I don't have access to). Because my work computer has a CentOS installed and is behind a proxy, I couldn't use TeamViwer (TV is ported on Linux with wine, and apparently proxy settings won't work).
Does anyone has knowledge of a program that would suit my needs?
Thanks, Claudiu
[1] Tool itself - i'd recommend taking look at jrdesktop [ http://jrdesktop.sourceforge.net/ ]; though not very active project and not particualry suited for modem-like connections, it is stable, reliable, multiplatform and works fine.
[2] Both jrdekstop and ssh, while not doing NAT-transversal (like Hamachi - so called zero configuration VPN; be sure to check this one! https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi2/), have options like "reverese connection" that you might find useful.
Once you establish such VPN between machines, you are free to use ssh,X,RDP,jrdesktop,VNC and other tools of your choice as you would in normal LAN. If you don't trust third party "transversal provider", I heared that it's relatively easy to write your own counterpart to such software (still, at least one of machines must be public, or both NAT-ed must have temporary access to public third machine).
Also, people at serverfault.com might offer better insights.