I want to get data from database where the value of specific column are null, i've searched from laravel doc query builder said use whereNull and i did but i got this error messages
htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given (View: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/PROJECT/overtek/resources/views/pages/purchaseIndex.blade.php)
this are my controller
public function index()
$pa = DB::table('account_pay_ables')
return view('pages.purchaseIndex',['pa'=>$pa]);
i've tried this one too same result
$pa = DB::select("SELECT count(*) as new FROM account_pay_ables WHERE invoice IS NULL");
currently on my purchaseIndex.blade.php just this
@foreach($pa as $data)
{{ $data}}
@foreach($pa as $data)
{{ optional($data)->new }}
Optional function is a good wrapper for this, if an object is null, anything you access from it is null , else it outputs as normal.
BUT, I suppose $data
is an object, so you need to either transform it into a string, or put it into HTML, so do that first.