Sometimes in academic texts one wants to present a Table in which every column has units. It is usual that the units are specified below the column names, like this
|Object |Volume | area | Price |
| |$cm^3$ |$cm^2$ | euros |
|A |3 | 43.36| 567.40|
|B |15 | 43.47| 1000.80|
|C |1 | 42.18| 8.81|
|D |7 | 37.92| 4.72|
How could I achieve this for my bookdown
Thank you in advance.
Here is a way using kableExtra
df <- data.frame(Object = LETTERS[1:5],
Volume = round(runif(5, 1, 20)),
area = rnorm(5, 40, 3),
Price = rnorm(5, 700, 200))
colNames <- names(df)
dfUnits <- c("", "$cm^3$", "$cm^2$", "€")
kable(df, col.names = dfUnits,escape = F, align = "c") %>%
add_header_above(header = colNames, line = F, align = "c")