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How to ignore case sensitivity in Oracle database query

I have string with upper and lower case characters, How can I ignore case sensitivity.

I have tried with COLLET,UPPERCASE,LOWERCASE It is not working. is there any other way to ignore?


  • Upper, and lower method are ok, but if you are looking for something more sophisticated try this.

    create table table_test (a varchar2(100));
    insert into table_test values( 'ABC');
    insert into table_test values( 'abc');
    insert into table_test values( 'AbC');
    alter session set NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC; 
    -- how to compare string 
    alter session set NLS_SORT=BINARY_AI;  --//or alter session set NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI;  
    -- how to sort string  
    -- the magic starts here 
        select * from table_test where a = 'ABC'

    And full description of different method of sorting and comparing: