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How to set Aptana to be my default BUNDLER_EDITOR?

I try to open a gem using the following command:

$bundle open jquery-rails

but it gives me the following error:

To open a bundled gem, set $EDITOR or $BUNDLER_EDITOR

So,I have search a little bit at read that I should open my .bashrc file and set the BUNDLER_EDITOR variable. I did the following things:

sudo gedit ~/.bashrc

and at end of the file entered the line above:

export BUNDLER_EDITOR=aptana

In the example they are using vim but since I am using aptana studio 3 I want to use it.

Anyway, it give me the following error:

Could not run 'aptana /home/gotqn/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p286/gems/jquery-rails-2.1.3'

What I am doing wrong?


  • Tried this but it dint work either:

    export EDITOR="/Applications/" peterandersson@Macintosh:myapp(0)$ bundle open jquery-rails Could not run '/Applications/ /Users/peterandersson/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p429/gems/jquery-rails-3.0.1' 

    and export EDITOR=vimworks however, but I'd rather use Sublime than vim:

    This link describes how to set Sublime as the default $EDITOR.