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Heroku Postgres database push freezes

I have a local Postgres database associated with an app on my local machine, and I would like to copy that database to the Heroku deployment of the app.

I tried:

heroku pg:push localdatabasename DATABASE_URL --app my-appname-23895

Here, I'm actually using the words DATABASE_URL, because listing my environment variables via heroku config shows that this is the name of the variable holding the database url, and not a color identifier like HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_YELLOW.

Heroku responds with:

heroku-cli: Pushing localdatabasename ---> postgresql-identifier-83435

and then freezes there without returning to the bash prompt. If I open another bash window and log into Heroku Postgres with heroku pg:psql, then when I examine the table structure with \dt I get:

Did not find any relations.

Then when I go back to the bash window where I'm running heroku pg:push, I press Ctrl+C to quit, and then I get the error message:

pg_dump errored with 3221225786


pg_restore errored with 3221225786

Not sure if the appearance of both pg_dump and pg_restore means it's just extremely slow to push the database and I should just keep waiting for a longer time for heroku pg:push to finish, or if there's a problem with the push process. I've had it running for over 3 hours with no apparent change.

I also tried:

PGUSER=username PGPWD=password heroku pg:push localdatabasename DATABASE_URL --app my-appname-23895

and got the same results.


  • Instead of using pg:push, I used pg:dump followed by heroku pg:backups:restore, per the solution described here.