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Pandas groupby with bin counts for timeseries

on a sample dataframe

data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(6,2), columns = list('ab'))
dti = pd.date_range(start='2019-02-12', end='2019-02-12', periods=6)
data.set_index(dti, inplace=True)


                            a         b
2019-02-12 00:00:00  0.909822  0.548713
2019-02-12 01:00:00  0.295730  0.452881
2019-02-12 02:00:00  0.889976  0.042893
2019-02-12 03:00:00  0.466465  0.971178
2019-02-12 04:00:00  0.532618  0.769210
2019-02-12 05:00:00  0.947362  0.021689

now, how can I mix grouping and binning functions on the two columns? Say I have bins = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1], how can I bin data on column a and get mean (or max, min, sum etc.) on col b for each bin for each day, week, month?


  • Use cut with, or DatetimeIndex.week, DatetimeIndex.month and aggregate min or max, mean, sum:

    bins = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]
    labels = ['{}-{}'.format(i + 1, j) for i, j in zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:])] 
    s = pd.cut(data['a'], bins=bins, labels=labels)
    df = data.groupby(['day'), s])['b'].min().reset_index()
    #df = data.groupby([data.index.week.rename('week'), s])['b'].min().reset_index()
    #df = data.groupby([data.index.month.rename('month'), s])['b'].min().reset_index()
    print (df)
       day        a         b
    0   12  1.4-0.6  0.267070
    1   12  1.6-0.8  0.637877
    2   12  1.8-1.0  0.299172

    Also is possible pass multiple functions by DataFrameGroupBy.agg

    df2 = (data.groupby(['day'), s])['b']
    print (df2)
       day        a       min       max       sum      mean
    0   12  1.4-0.6  0.267070  0.267070  0.267070  0.267070
    1   12  1.6-0.8  0.637877  0.903206  1.541084  0.770542
    2   12  1.8-1.0  0.299172  0.405750  1.098002  0.366001

    Or using DataFrameGroupBy.describe:

    df3 = (data.groupby(['day'), s])['b']
    print (df3)
       day        a  count      mean       std       min       25%       50%  \
    0   12  1.4-0.6    1.0  0.267070       NaN  0.267070  0.267070  0.267070   
    1   12  1.6-0.8    2.0  0.770542  0.187616  0.637877  0.704210  0.770542   
    2   12  1.8-1.0    3.0  0.366001  0.058221  0.299172  0.346126  0.393081   
            75%       max  
    0  0.267070  0.267070  
    1  0.836874  0.903206  
    2  0.399415  0.405750