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How to update Progress Bar Percentage with Data Binding

I am unable to update ProgressBar progress with data binding.

Here's what I am doing -

  • I have a model for holding ProgressBar current progress.

public class ModelProgress extends BaseObservable {
    private int total;
    private int current;

    public void setCurrent(int current) {
        this.current = current;

    public int getProgress() {
        return (current / total) * 100;

Please Note I have made getProgress() @Bindable and notifying BR.progress on updation of value current. So that UI attached to BR.progress update when change in variable current.

In XML I tried to attach ProgressBar with variable progress.

    tools:progress="50" />


It's all set for me. Now when I call setCurrent() method, it should reflect on UI. Like binding.getModel().setCurrent(50);. But it doesn't.


  • This should work unless (current / total) * 100 is not returning zero each time. The method returns 0, because when dividing two integer values, if denominator is greater than numerator then it returns 0. Check the explained answer . You can change your getProgress() method's implementation.

    public class ModelProgress extends BaseObservable {
        private int total=100;
        private int current;
        public void setCurrent(int current) {
            this.current = current;
        public int getProgress() {
            return current * 100 / total;

    Also check you have to initialized total first. and check how are you calculating the progress. Make sure you should not forget to set model .

    modelProgress=new ModelProgress();