I try to modify registry on Windows IoT Core 10 running over Raspberry Pi 3 via Power Shell, but I get this error:
[]: PS C:\Data\Users\administrator\Documents> reg.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\DefaultMediaCost" /v Ethernet /d 2 /f
reg.exe : ERROR: Access is denied.
- CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (ERROR: Access is denied.:String) [], RemoteException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
I run the command with administrator.
What can be the issue?
Yes, @Mudit Bahedia has pointed out you have not enough permission to write this DefaultMediaCost key. So the error is expected also on Desktop.
But on desktop you can change the values. You will need to use RMB/Permissions/Advanced to change its owner to Administrators or your own username and then give said user Full Control. Or use the following UI setting:
Unfortunately, I can't find a way to edit this key on Windows IoT Core.
You can submit a feedback about this feature.