I am unable to figure out how to subset a row from an xts object and have a result that is a named vector. Here is an example. Make a toy xts object:
x <- c("a","b","c")
z <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), nrow = 3))
colnames(z) <- x
z_xts <- xts(z, order.by = as.Date(17897:17899))
Here is that example xts object, z_xts:
a b c
2019-01-01 1 4 7
2019-01-02 2 5 8
2019-01-03 3 6 9
I would like to subset columns a and b of row 2 of z_xts, for example:
sub_z <- z_xts[2, ][1, c("a","b”)]
This gives:
a b
2019-01-02 2 5
who is class “xts” “zoo”. But, I want a named vector of class numeric. I’ve tried everything and the closest I can get is:
sub_z <- as.numeric(coredata(z_xts[2, ][1, c("a","b")]))
which gives:
[1] 2 5
which is class “numeric” but it has lost the column names. What I really want is:
a b
2 5
How does one do that??
How about this
cols <- c("a", "b")
v <- setNames(as.numeric(z_xts[2, cols]), cols)
#a b
#2 5
is named vector
# Named num [1:2] 2 5
# - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "a" "b"