I'm Implementing a mini http server using boost beast. the server has two different routes POST /upload/... and the other one is POST /info. The first one is used for uploading some big files and the other one is for hadling json objects. To keep the performance as hight as possible am I trying to parse each route with the suitable parser file_body and string_body/dynamic_body. I was hoping that it is possible to do something like:
[self](beast::error_code ec, std::size_t)
if (!ec)
but it seems not possible.
Is there any way to use different request bodies depending on header info?
Many thanks in advance
This should be covered in the docs but here's how to do it: Use the type beast::request_parser<beast::empty_body>
to first read the header, and then depending on the contents of the header you move-construct a new parser from the old one with the body type you want. Example:
// Deferred body type commitment
request_parser<empty_body> req0;
request_parser<string_body> req{std::move(req0)};
You can read the complete documentation on switching body types here: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_69_0/libs/beast/doc/html/beast/ref/boost__beast__http__parser/parser/overload5.html