I have a problem when copy-pasting table data from a web page into Sheets, that the cell values which start with an equals sign ("=") and has wrong decimal delimiter (",") for the locale, for example
causes Sheets to complain about #ERROR! - Formula parse error.
Because I cannot change the source of the data easily and there is a lot of it, I cannot manually remove or change the characters that break the value thinking it is a formula.
Therefore I have been looking for ways to get the cell contents raw to another sheet cell while removing the extra characters.
E.g. on a sheet named RawSource cell A1 I have value (formula)
that causes #ERROR! on that cell. On the destination sheet I tried this formula to fix the error by removing the first character (equals sign):
=RIGHT(CELL("contents", RawSource!A1), LEN(CELL("contents", RawSource!A1))-1)
But no luck so far since I think the ERROR value is propagating even through the CELL function and not the raw contents of the cell.
Is there any way to fix this without manually altering the source data?
once you imported an #ERROR!
it can't be corrected by another formula, because that used formula can't see behind that error. workarounds are:
/ etc. wrap it into REGEXREPLACE
and in some cases even in TO_TEXT
with combo of ARRAYFORMULA
to get rid off error causing cases'
upfront of every error cell (eg. '=+90,00