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How to use HiddenMarkovModel from tensorflow probability?

I am following this tutorial:

in it it has code that references and uses a HiddenMarkovModel class in tfp. the code that does this in the tutorial is here:

import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd

hmm = tfd.HiddenMarkovModel(

However when I get to this line I get the following error:

AttributeError: module 'tensorflow_probability.python.distributions' has no attribute 'HiddenMarkovModel'

Checking the documentation for distributions in tfp here:

I see there is no class called HiddenMarkovModel so I am wondering what I am doing wrong to be unable to get this class that the tutorial uses? This is an official tutorial so i can't imagine it is just "wrong" and no HiddenMarkovModel class exists.


  • The current stable version, 0.5, was released a while ago. The API docs match that version. We are in the process of preparing 0.6 for release, which has HMM. In the mean time you can install tfp-nightly instead, to get the latest goodness. You should then be sure to uninstall the one you have (pip uninstall tensorflow-probability) and similarly install tf-nightly in place of TensorFlow stable. HTH! Thanks for using tfp!