I have a dataframe with multiple columns and they are ordered by a time column with a time stamp every second. I want to search the data frame for 1-minute periods that have limited variation in another variable.
For example, I want every minute in the data frame where the TWS(true wind speed) has a variation of no more than 5 knots. These 1 minute periods should also not overlap.
Once we have the 1-minute sections, create another data frame with each minute of data averaged into rows.
Here is the head of the data
Date Time Lat Lon AWA AWS TWA TWS
1 19/10/2018 2019-02-11 12:06:16 35.8952 14.5 -99.7 8.42 -99.7 8.42
2 19/10/2018 2019-02-11 12:06:17 35.8952 14.5 -99.1 8.24 -99.1 8.24
3 19/10/2018 2019-02-11 12:06:18 35.8952 14.5 -99.2 7.34 -99.2 7.34
4 19/10/2018 2019-02-11 12:06:19 35.8952 14.5 -99.6 6.87 -99.6 6.87
5 19/10/2018 2019-02-11 12:06:20 35.8952 14.5 -101.1 8.85 -101.1 8.85
6 19/10/2018 2019-02-11 12:06:21 35.8952 14.5 -101.6 9.39 -101.6 9.39
df %>%
mutate(Date=as.Date(Date), Time=ymd_hms(Time)) %>%
group_by(gr=minute(Time)) %>%
mutate(flag=max(TWS,na.rm=TRUE)-min(TWS,na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
filter(flag<5) %>%
mutate_all(.,mean,na.rm=TRUE) %>% distinct()
# A tibble: 1 x 10
# Groups: gr [1]
Date Time Lat Lon AWA AWS TWA TWS gr flag
<date> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1 0019-10-20 2019-02-11 12:06:17 35.9 14.5 -99.3 8. -99.3 8. 6 1.08
For variation between elements in each group, we can use dplyr::lag
... mutate(flag=TWS-lag(TWS, default = first(TWS))) %>%
filter(all(abs(flag)<5)) %>% mutate_all(.,mean,na.rm=TRUE) %>% distinct()
df <- read.table(text = "
Date Time Lat Lon AWA AWS TWA TWS
1 '19/10/2018' '2019-02-11 12:06:16' 35.8952 14.5 -99.7 8.42 -99.7 8.42
2 '19/10/2018' '2019-02-11 12:06:17' 35.8952 14.5 -99.1 8.24 -99.1 8.24
3 '19/10/2018' '2019-02-11 12:06:18' 35.8952 14.5 -99.2 7.34 -99.2 7.34
4 '19/10/2018' '2019-02-11 12:07:19' 35.8952 14.5 -99.6 6.87 -99.6 6.87
5 '19/10/2018' '2019-02-11 12:07:20' 35.8952 14.5 -101.1 8.85 -101.1 8.85
6 '19/10/2018' '2019-02-11 12:07:21' 35.8952 14.5 -101.6 9.39 -101.6 16.39
", header=TRUE)