Search code examples

Thymeleaf pagination work not as described

I have Thymeleaf pagination at departments page, which work good, but i have one problem.

When i try to update department name, this renamed department gone from page and shown at last page as last row.

How can i fix this? I want to update departments name and have it on the same place, not at the end.

This is my code.


public Page<Department> findPaginatedDepartments(final Pageable pageable) {
        List<Department> departments = departmentRepository.findAll();
        int pageSize = pageable.getPageSize();
        int currentPage = pageable.getPageNumber();
        int startItem = currentPage * pageSize;
        final List<Department> list;

        if (departments.size() < startItem) {
            list = Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            int toIndex = Math.min(startItem + pageSize, departments.size());
            list = departments.subList(startItem, toIndex);
        return new PageImpl<>(list, PageRequest.of(currentPage, pageSize), departments.size());


    public String getAllDepartments(
            Model model,
            @RequestParam("page") Optional<Integer> page,
            @RequestParam("size") Optional<Integer> size) {
        int currentPage = page.orElse(1);
        int pageSize = size.orElse(10);

        Page<Department> departmentPage = departmentService.findPaginatedDepartments(PageRequest.of(currentPage - 1, pageSize));
        model.addAttribute("departmentPage", departmentPage);
        int totalPages = departmentPage.getTotalPages();
        if (totalPages > 0) {
            List<Integer> pageNumbers = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, totalPages)
            model.addAttribute("pageNumbers", pageNumbers);
        return "/department/departments";


<div class="departments_wrapper main_menu_wrapper">
    <div id="dep-grid" class="departments_table highlight">
        <div class="head_departments">
            <span class="head-left-grid" th:onclick="'javascript:sortDepartments()'">Name<i id="arrow-sort" class="tiny material-icons arrow-sort-button">expand_more</i></span>
            <span class="head-right-grid">Edit</span>
            <div class="dep-body" th:each="department : ${departmentPage.content}">
                <li id="dep-li" class="left-column" th:text="${}"></li>
                <li class="right-column">
                    <div class="dep_edit">
                        <a id="dep-modal-pic" class="edit_dep modal-trigger" href="#modal3"
                           th:onclick="'javascript:showFunctionModal(\'' + ${} +'\' , \'' + ${} +'\');'"><i
    <div class="pagination pagination-dep">
            <li class="disabled"><a href="#!"><i class="material-icons">chevron_left</i></a></li>
            <li><a th:if="${departmentPage.totalPages > 0}" th:each="pageNumber : ${pageNumbers}"
                   th:href="@{/departments(size=${departmentPage.size}, page=${pageNumber})}" th:text="${pageNumber}"
                   th:class="${pageNumber==departmentPage.number + 1} ? active"></a></li>
            <li class="disabled"><a href="#!"><i class="material-icons">chevron_right</i></a></li>

Update Department name

public void updateDepartment(final Long id, final Department department) {
    final Department departmentFound = departmentRepository.getOne(id);


  • Solved! After many time of search i find, that it is the postgres "feature". So, in my DepartmentService i just wrote comparator, which will sort Departments by id. And this solved my problem.

     final Comparator<Department> cmp = Comparator.comparing(Department::getId);