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How to open a new mail with Lotus c# (.Net)

I am currently developing a small application in C# . Net allowing to perform different tasks, but here in one of my tasks I have to open a new default mail from Lotus. However I don’t find much documentation on it, so I’m a little lost and that’s why I’m in your hands :/ So I just need to be able to open Lotus with a new default email. Thank in advance ;)


  •         public void ComposeMemo(String sendto, String subject, String body)
            //BLOC1 instantiate a Notes session and workspace
            Type NotesSession = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Notes.NotesSession");
             Type NotesUIWorkspace = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace");
             Object sess = Activator.CreateInstance(NotesSession);
             Object ws = Activator.CreateInstance(NotesUIWorkspace);
            //BLOC2 open current user's mail file
            String mailServer = (String)NotesSession.InvokeMember("GetEnvironmentString", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, sess, new Object[] { "MailServer", true });
            String mailFile = (String)NotesSession.InvokeMember("GetEnvironmentString", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, sess, new Object[] { "MailFile", true });
            NotesUIWorkspace.InvokeMember("OpenDatabase", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, ws, new Object[] { mailServer, mailFile });
            Object uidb = NotesUIWorkspace.InvokeMember("GetCurrentDatabase", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, ws, null);
            Object db = NotesUIWorkspace.InvokeMember("Database", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, uidb, null);
            Type NotesDatabase = db.GetType();
            //BLOC3 compose a new memo
            Object uidoc = NotesUIWorkspace.InvokeMember("ComposeDocument", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, ws, new Object[] { mailServer, mailFile, "Memo", 0, 0, true });
            Type NotesUIDocument = uidoc.GetType();
            NotesUIDocument.InvokeMember("FieldSetText", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, uidoc, new Object[] { "EnterSendTo", sendto });
            NotesUIDocument.InvokeMember("FieldSetText", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, uidoc, new Object[] { "Subject", subject });
            NotesUIDocument.InvokeMember("FieldSetText", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, uidoc, new Object[] { "Body", body });
            //BLOC4 bring the Notes window to the front
            String windowTitle = (String)NotesUIDocument.InvokeMember("WindowTitle", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, uidoc, null);

    The BLOC1 perform, it open the application but from BLOC2 the application no longer responds but I don’t know why, more in BLOC4 the word Interaction is not recognized