I'm trying to generate some data for DB2 11.1 z/OS using HammerDB v3.1 which is running on a Windows remote host. There is no ability to run HammerDB on the same host with DB2. According to the HammerDB documentation I need to set up IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI.
What I did:
Downloaded and set up the driver for 11.1 on HammerDB host - v11.1.4fp4_ntx64_odbc_cli.zip as described here
Configure db2dsdriver.cfg file
<dsn alias="TPCC" name="<my database name>" host="<my host name>" port="50000"/>
<!-- Long aliases are supported -->
<dsn alias="longaliasname2" name="name2" host="server2.net1.com" port="55551">
<parameter name="Authentication" value="SERVER_ENCRYPT"/>
<database name="<my database name>" host="<my host name>" port="50000">
<parameter name="CurrentSchema" value="OWNER1"/>
set DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_PATH=C:\ProgramData\IBM\DB2\C_IBMDB2_CLIDRIVER_clidriver\cfg
Error in Virtual User 1: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0199N The use of the reserved word "INDEX" following "" is not valid. Expected tokens may include: "ORGANIZE APPEND VOLATILE AUDIT VALIDPROC EDITPROC OBID IN DATA". SQLSTATE=42601```
Probably the easiest way to understand the root cause of the problem is to trace the CLI driver.
Tracing the CLI driver by using the db2trc on -cli command
Something like this on the DB2 Data Server Client side:
db2trc on -cli -f trc.dmp
steps to reproduce the problem
db2trc off
db2trc fmt -cli trc.dmp trc.dmp.txt
The trc.dmp.txt file will have exact statements the client tried to run.