I open a QSqlDatabase and load the parameter with db.set[parameter Name], The connection -db.open() fail and when checking the value of db.parameter it returns an empty string. The same form used in other client programs works perfectly....sic
I'm loading the parameters from a config file. I tried to load them manually like db.setUserName('someuser') with the same result. Debugging, when checking db.userName() I got str ''. Naturally the db was not to open. It might be related to the environment when the database is open?
def connectionTest(self):
self.lblTestResult.setText("Connecting to MYSQL server........")
self.lblTestResult.setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: yellow; color: black}")
testMessage = "Connection Failed"
self.con_string = self.read_db_config()
db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QMYSQL")
ok = db.open()
if ok:
testMessage = "Connection Succeeded"
self.state = True
self.lblTestResult.setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: green; color: white}")
self.lblTestResult.setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: red; color: white}")
except Exception as err:
I expect the parameters loaded and the db open successfully. I've been dealing with this issue for some time now without finding any clue of whats going on. Side Note: I'm using Exception to overcame the nice PyQt5 exception handling of shutting down the program.
I was able to solve the problem following 'Benjamin T' advise on a similar issue related to "Driver available but not loaded". I copied the libmysql.dll from the python 3.7/lib/site-packages folder to the python 3.7 executable folder and was able to load the driver and connect to MySQL database.