I am using Google Apis client lib.
I do not understand how to get file list based on folder name or folder id like:-
Drive Folder Structure
Main =>
- Demo 1
- img.png
- img2.png
- Demo 2
- img_Demo 2.png
- img2_Demo 2.png
- Demo 3
- img_Demo 3.png
- img2_Demo 3.png
Now I get Main folder list and id using below code
// include your composer dependencies
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Google_Client();
$drive = new Google_Service_Drive($client);
$files_list = $drive->files->listFiles(array())->getFiles($optParams);
echo "<pre>";
I got this output:
[0] => Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile Object
[id] => 1LKMiCuI3OlUYrFlQnl
[imageMediaMetadataType:protected] => Google_Service_Drive_DriveFileImageMediaMetadata
[imageMediaMetadataDataType:protected] =>
[isAppAuthorized] =>
[kind] => drive#file
[lastModifyingUserType:protected] => Google_Service_Drive_User
[mimeType] => application/vnd.google-apps.folder
[name] => main
File.list has the q paramater which will allow you to search files. The following would return all files that have a parent id of 1234567 that being the file id of the directory you wish to find.
'1234567' in parents
You can send the q param as part of your optParams
$optParams = array( 'q' => "'1234567' in parents" );
$files_list = $drive->files->listFiles($optParams);