So far I'm using 'expect' in my test framework which will stop the execution when it meets a fail condition. I want something like, the execution should happen even if it meets the fail condition. I could see that there is a matcher called 'Verify' in rspec where I need to inherit 'Test::Unit::TestCase' class, but my issue is that, I need the matcher in my spec file which is not written under a ruby class.
There isn't a way to do this with RSpec, out of the box. Because Rspec is designed to test small, isolated logics.
On failure, Rspec matchers raise Error, So what you can do is to wrap the matchers in a rescue block. To satisfy your need, you could write a wrapper like this:
def report_last(&block)
rescue Exception => e
puts "Failure: #{e}"
In your test case:
describe Calculator do
it “should add 2 numbers” do
report_last do
expect(, 3).sum)to eq(5)