So I have wirtten the following type to prove some properties of Integers:
data Number : Type where
PosN : Nat -> Number
Zero : Number
NegN : Nat -> Number
plusPosNeg : Nat -> Nat -> Number
plusPosNeg n m with (cmp n m)
plusPosNeg (k + S d) k | CmpGT d = PosN d
plusPosNeg k k | CmpEQ = Zero
plusPosNeg k (k + S d) | CmpLT d = NegN d
plus : Number -> Number -> Number
plus Zero y = y
plus x Zero = x
plus (PosN k) (PosN j) = PosN (k + j)
plus (NegN k) (NegN j) = NegN (k + j)
plus (PosN k) (NegN j) = plusPosNeg k j
plus (NegN k) (PosN j) = plusPosNeg j k
Now I'd like to prove that Zero
is the neutral element of addition, which is quite obvious from the definition of plus
. And indeed, Idris accepts the following proof:
plusRZeroNeutral : {l : Number} -> plus l Zero = l
plusRZeroNeutral {l = Zero} = Refl
plusRZeroNeutral {l = PosN _} = Refl
plusRZeroNeutral {l = NegN _} = Refl
But rejects a shorter version I have first come up with:
plusRZeroNeutral : {l : Number} -> plus l Zero = l
plusRZeroNeutral {l} = Refl
My question is why is that so? Looking at the definition of plus
it would seem the compiler should know that the constructor passed as right argument to plus
does not matter as long as the left argument is Zero
(and vice versa). Perhaps it's a bug, or am I missing something?
If all you know about l
is that it is, well, l
(i.e. some arbitrary parameter), then you cannot reduce plus l Zero
any further since you are stuck on which branch of plus
to take.
When you pattern match on e.g. l = Zero
, the right-hand side's type is now refined to plus Zero Zero = Zero
, which can be reduced (via the definition of plus
) to Zero = Zero
. The constructor Refl
's type unifies readily with this refined result type, and so the clause plusRZeroNeutral {l = Zero} = Refl
The other branches are handled similarly by the other clauses of your first definition of plusRZeroNeutral