I've been trying to get this Regex to work, and I feel like I almost have it, but I'm not sure how to get the results I desire. I am using a mock data structure that resembles a JSON object, and am trying to parse the parameters.
The structure resembles groups and options like such: group_label:id{option_1:id,option_2:id ... }
The expression I've come up with so far is
(?:(?:(?<group_name>[a-zA-Z0-9 _]+?):(?<group_id>[0-9]+?){(?:(?:(?<option_name>.+?):(?<option_id>.+?))+?,?)+?},?))+?
and the test data I'm using has been:
My Interests:379{Commercial:0,Consumer:1,Wholesale Reseller:2},Test Group:1234{Test One:1,Test 2:2}
Here is a link to the regex tester I'm looking at, you can see that each group turns into a match, but it only captures the last of each option, where I'd like to have a match for all the options as well.
It also breaks if I try to specify the start and end of the string, so I'm sure that's a hint to me that something I'm doing is wrong, but I'm not a regex expert, and I'm running shorter on time. As always, any advice is always greatly appreciated!
Here's a regex that will extract the groups and options by just looking for the different features (groups end with {
, options start with {
or ,
and end with ,
or }
(?<group_name>[a-zA-Z0-9 _]+):(?<group_id>[0-9]+)(?={)|(?<=[{,])(?<option_name>[^:]+):(?<option_id>[^,}]+)(?=[,}])
In PHP you can use it like this to get lists of groups
and options
$string = 'My Interests:379{Commercial:0,Consumer:1,Wholesale Reseller:2},Test Group:1234{Test One:1,Test 2:2}';
$regex = '(?<group_name>[a-zA-Z0-9 _]+):(?<group_id>[0-9]+)(?={)|(?<=[{,])(?<option_name>[^:]+):(?<option_id>[^,}]+)(?=[,}])';
preg_match_all("/$regex/", $string, $matches);
$groups = array_combine(array_filter($matches['group_name']), array_filter($matches['group_id'], function ($v) { return $v !== '';}));
$options = array_combine(array_filter($matches['option_name']), array_filter($matches['option_id'], function ($v) { return $v !== '';}));
Array (
[My Interests] => 379
[Test Group] => 1234
Array (
[Commercial] => 0
[Consumer] => 1
[Wholesale Reseller] => 2
[Test One] => 1
[Test 2] => 2
If you need a more structured output, you can do something like this after getting the matches:
$output = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches['group_name']); $i++) {
if ($matches['group_name'][$i] != '') {
// new group
$this_group = $matches['group_name'][$i];
$output[$this_group] = array('id' => $matches['group_id'][$i]);
else {
// option for this group
$output[$this_group]['options'][$matches['option_name'][$i]] = $matches['option_id'][$i];
Array (
[My Interests] => Array (
[id] => 379
[options] => Array (
[Commercial] => 0
[Consumer] => 1
[Wholesale Reseller] => 2
[Test Group] => Array (
[id] => 1234
[options] => Array (
[Test One] => 1
[Test 2] => 2
Or possibly this might be more useful:
$output = array();
$this_group = -1;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches['group_name']); $i++) {
if ($matches['group_name'][$i] != '') {
// new group
$output[$this_group] = array('name' => $matches['group_name'][$i], 'id' => $matches['group_id'][$i]);
else {
// option for this group
$output[$this_group]['options'][$matches['option_name'][$i]] = $matches['option_id'][$i];
Array (
[0] => Array (
[name] => My Interests
[id] => 379
[options] => Array (
[Commercial] => 0
[Consumer] => 1
[Wholesale Reseller] => 2
[1] => Array (
[name] => Test Group
[id] => 1234
[options] => Array (
[Test One] => 1
[Test 2] => 2