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r aborted when using rcpp

I am writing some code, and when running, it aborted. The r version is 3.5.1. I think there is something wrong with my rcpp code, but I can't find it. It just shows R session aborted.

################I don't think there is anything wrong in this part.
#include <Rcpp.h>

Rcpp::LogicalVector logical_index(Rcpp::IntegerVector idx, R_xlen_t n) {
  bool invert = false; 
  Rcpp::LogicalVector result(n, false);

  for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < idx.size(); i++) {
    if (!invert && idx[i] < 0) invert = true;
    result[std::abs(idx[i])] = true;

  if (!invert) return result;
  return !result;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
  Subset(Rcpp::NumericVector x, Rcpp::IntegerVector idx) {
    return x[logical_index(idx, x.size())];
# ################There maybe something wrong in this part.
NumericVector r_test(NumericMatrix a, Function comp, Function fct,Function 
tempf, Function combnPrim, NumericVector Fv, NumericVector vec, Function 
        NumericVector if1(4);
        NumericVector if2(2);
        NumericVector if3(4);
        NumericVector if4(4);
        NumericVector seq(14);
        NumericMatrix b(2,45);
        NumericMatrix c(4,70);
        for (int i1=0; i1<=a.ncol()-1; i1++){
        if1=a (_, i1);
        for (int i2=0; i2<=b.ncol()-1; i2++){
        if2=b (_, i2);
        for (int i3=0; i3<=c.ncol()-1; i3++){
        if3=c (_, i3);
        }}}return if1;}")

setwd("D:/STAT 602")


  return(anova(lm(data[seq]~as.factor(fact)))$`F value`[1])
r_test(a,comp, fct, tempf, combnPrim, Fv, vec, Subset)

combnPrim is used to find all combination of a vector, and it outputs a matrix, and Subset is the same use as vector[-i]. Individually, all function can act well in cppFunction, but when putting them like this, things go wrong.


  • Since this code is pretty convoluted, I'm not going to hunt for the exact, specific bug. However, I can confirm that @RalfStubner was right that your problem is that you're trying to access an element of a vector that does not exist.

    If you change logical_index() to

    LogicalVector logical_index(IntegerVector idx, R_xlen_t n) {
        bool invert = false;
        LogicalVector result(n, false);
        for (R_xlen_t i = 0; i < idx.size(); i++) {
            if (!invert && idx(i) < 0) invert = true;
            result(std::abs(idx(i))) = true;
        if (!invert) return result;
        return !result;

    so that element access is done via () rather than [] to ensure bounds checking,1 rather than just aborting, I see the following:

    r_test(a,comp, fct, tempf, combnPrim, Fv, vec, Subset)

    Error in r_test(a, comp, fct, tempf, combnPrim, Fv, vec, Subset) :
    Evaluation error: Index out of bounds: [index=10; extent=8]..

    This means you're trying to access an element of a vector that does not exist. I can also tell you the basic reason why this is happening: In logical_vector(), when an element of idx is greater than n, this will occur. So, at some point in r_test(), you are calling Subset() with idx that has an element greater than x.size().

    1 You are right that you'll get an error trying to use () for vector subsetting when subsetting a vector by another vector. However, this works when accessing one element of a vector.