Currently Apple provides functions to access data in font tables, like CTFontCopyTable. I'm using it to parse information (kerning, etc) out of a font when available. Is there any similar way of pulling the same data on Windows per font?
I can see a lot of documentation on the windows side when it comes to these font tables, but I can't seem to find a way to pull this data per font.
Here is how I'm pulling the data in osx:
CTFontRef lCTFont = CTFontCreateWithName((CFStringRef)lNSFontName, 800.0f, NULL);
CFDataRef lKernTable = CTFontCopyTable(lCTFont, kCTFontTableKern, kCTFontTableOptionNoOptions);
CFDataRef lGPOSTable = CTFontCopyTable(lCTFont, kCTFontTableGPOS, kCTFontTableOptionNoOptions);
will get the raw table data, but as other suggestions advise, you will probably want to use the system-provided text layout methods rather than trying to roll your own.