I have a string and I want to replace every 'i' that is NOT following/followed by any other i and replace it with 'z`. I know that there is negative lookahead and lookbehind.
Results shoud be:
i => z
iki => zkz
iiki => iikz
ii => ii
iii => iii
I tried to use this:
and it failed and thrown an error: Invalid regex group
works fine, but matches second "i" in this: "ii".
Is there some other way?
What is support for lookbehind in JS if there is any?
In your case you don't really need look-behind:
'iiki'.replace(/i+/g, (m0) => m0.length > 1 ? m0 : 'z')
You can just use a function as the replacement part and test the length of the matched string.
Here are all your test cases:
function test(input, expect) {
const result = input.replace(/i+/g, (m0) => m0.length > 1 ? m0 : 'z');
console.log(input + " => " + result + " // " + (result === expect ? "Good" : "ERROR"));
test('i', 'z');
test('iki', 'zkz');
test('iiki', 'iikz');
test('ii', 'ii');
test('iii', 'iii');