How to show option.Brand.Name
as the title of the select
field without using java script
and changing the ng-model
<select ng-model="detail.BrandId" title="" class="form-control" disabled>
<option ng-repeat="option in mainCtrl.products" ng-selected="option.Id === detail.ProductId" ng-value="option.BrandId">{{option.Brand.Name}}</option>
Try using ng-options
AngularJS ngOptions directive within select
element itself. Then you don't need to add each option
element yourself using ng-repeat
The title-attribute belongs to the select-element and will show if you hover over the select. You would like the title to reveal the current selected option? Did I understand you correctly?
How to show
as thetitle
of theselect
Curious, where this detail.ProductId
comes from? Is the brand preselected by product-id (see your code)?
ng-selected="option.Id === detail.ProductId"
Your requirements/restrictions are:
for some database-reasons)So since the title of the select-element has no access to the options inside, the only way to set it is depending on the current selection, i.e. your detail.BrandId
. So the title
can only set dynamically (depending on the current selection) by using standard-angularJS means, as:
{{ expression }}
expressions{{ expression | filter }}
array-filter The only scope-variable changed by selecting is specified within select's ng-model
as detail.BrandId
. This will be set when user selects an option
to its property BrandId
. When user selects between options they will be visible with ther BrandName
as label. After selection this BrandName
(label of the option) should be shown as title of the entire select element.
So we need to get from detail.BrandId
(selected ng-model) to related options BrandName
(as this should show as title).
Only way is to use standard angular expressions/filters/array-indexing to get the whole option by the selected detail.BrandId
Then we can lookup the option.BrandName
by this equation after selected detail.BrandId === option.BrandId
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.products = [
{Id: 0, name: 'Watson', brandId: 1, brandName:"IBM"},
{Id: 1, name: 'DB2', brandId: 1, brandName:"IBM"},
{Id: 2, name: 'Windows', brandId: 2, brandName: "Microsoft"},
{Id: 3, name: 'Office', brandId: 2, brandName: "Microsoft"}
$scope.detail = { ProductId: 3, BrandId: null };
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body data-ng-app="app" data-ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<table border="1">
<th>Product Id</th><th>Product Name</th><th>Choose Brand</th><th>Brand Id</th>
<td>{{ (products | filter: {Id: detail.ProductId})[0].name }}</td>
<select class="form-control"
ng-init="detail.BrandId = (products | filter: {Id: detail.ProductId})[0].brandId"
ng-options="o.brandId as ('['+ o.Id +'] '+ +' : '+ o.brandName +' ('+ o.brandId +')') for o in products"
title="{{ (products | filter: {brandId: detail.BrandId})[0].brandName}}"
<!-- default option when not preset by detail.ProductId-->
<option value="">-- please choose brand --</option>
<p>Product is predefined. So the brand is pre-selected by product. BUT: after brand is selected, the product-details do NOT change!</p>
Selected <strong>detail</strong>:
<pre ng-model="selected">{{detail | json}}</pre>
For using ng-options, see also plunkr example.