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How to keep certain properties on an object?

I have this object. If a property's value is null I'm removing that property. But I have some special properties that I want to keep no matter what (even if their values are null). So far my code works great, but I don't like the fact that I have to use the OR || operator over and over. Example:

key === 'alwaysCountWithMe' || key === 'ABC' || key ==='doNotDeleteMe' || key === 'specialProperty'

Here's my code:

var object = {
  "firstname": null,
  "lastname": "White",
  "ABC": null,
  "hobby": null,
  "c": 3,
  "alwaysCountWithMe": null,
  "doNotDeleteMe": null,
  "specialProperty": null,

console.log(_.pickBy(object, (value, key) => !!value || key === 'alwaysCountWithMe' || key === 'ABC' || key === 'doNotDeleteMe' || key === 'specialProperty'));
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Is there a cleaner way of doing this without having to use the || over and over?.


  • Use an array of keys to always keep, and check to see if it includes(key):

    var object = {
      "firstname": null,
      "lastname": "White",
      "ABC": null,
      "hobby": null,
      "c": 3,
      "alwaysCountWithMe": null,
      "doNotDeleteMe": null,
      "specialProperty": null,
    const alwaysKeep = ['alwaysCountWithMe', 'ABC', 'doNotDeleteMe', 'specialProperty'];
    console.log(_.pickBy(object, (value, key) => !!value || alwaysKeep.includes(key)));
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