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Segmentation fault error when finding the probability of the sum of 3 dice equaling an integer k

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

TO DO: Implement a function named cum_prob below. This function takes an integer k, and a long integer trials as inputs. This function returns a double value. In the fucntion, we toss the 3 dice multiple times. The number of tosses is trials. We count the number of times that the outcomes of the 3 dice add up to at least k. And we then use this number and trials to calculate the probability that the sum of the 3 dice is at least k. Finally, we return this probablity.

double cum_prob(int k, long trials)
    double count = 0;
    double all_trials = 0;
    double prob;
    if (trials == 0)
        return prob;
    if (rand() % 18 + 3 == k)
        (count ++);
        (all_trials ++);
        return cum_prob(k, -- trials);
            (all_trials ++);
            return cum_prob(k, -- trials);
    prob = ((count / all_trials) * 100);


//Do not change the following code.
int main()

    long n = 10000000;
    int k;

    printf("Enter k :");    
    scanf("%d", &k);
    assert(k>= 3 && k<=18);
    printf("P(sum of the 3 dice is at least %d) = %.5lf\n", k, cum_prob(k, n));
    return 0;



  • the following proposed code:

    1. cleanly compiles
    2. performs the desired functionality
    3. incorporates a fixed table (calculated in the code)
    4. does not use recursion nor long loops

    and now, the proposed code:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    double cum_prob(int targetValue, long trials)
        int possibleResults[19] = {0};
        // build table
        for( int dice1 = 1; dice1 <=6; dice1++ )
            for( int dice2 = 2; dice2 <= 6; dice2++ )
                for( int dice3 = 1; dice3 <= 6; dice3++ )
                    possibleResults[ dice1+dice2+dice3 ]++;
        // calculate total possible 
        double totalPossibilites = 0.0;
        for( int index=0; index<=18; index++ )
            totalPossibilites += (double)possibleResults[index];
        int sumLessEqualTarget = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i<targetValue; i++ )
            sumLessEqualTarget += possibleResults[i];
        return  100.0 - ((double)sumLessEqualTarget / totalPossibilites) *100.0;
    //Do not change the following code   
    int main()
        long n = 10000000;
        //int k;
        //printf("Enter k :");    
        //scanf("%d", &k);
        //assert(k>= 3 && k<=18);
        for( int i = 3; i<=18; i++ )
            printf( "%d\n", i );
            printf("P(sum of the 3 dice is at least %d) = %.5lf\n\n", i, cum_prob(i, n));
        return 0;

    and here are the results for the range of valid inputs

    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 3) = 100.00000
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 4) = 100.00000
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 5) = 99.44444
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 6) = 97.77778
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 7) = 94.44444
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 8) = 88.88889
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 9) = 80.55556
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 10) = 69.44444
    Enter k P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 11) = 56.66667
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 12) = 43.33333
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 13) = 30.55556
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 14) = 19.44444
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 15) = 11.11111
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 16) = 5.55556
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 17) = 2.22222
    P(sum of the 3 dice is at least 18) = 0.55556

    you can use the original source for the main() function, so it only calculates a single user entered value at each run of the code.