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Summarise values dplyr r

I have a target variable ranging from -33 to 17 and the variable merchant_category_id that has int type.

     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
-33.21928  -0.80808  -0.09018  -0.45554   0.54223  17.96507 

merchant_category_id: int  278 307 705 307 705 307 705 307 278 332

I want to find the quantity, from lowest to highest, of the variable merchant_category_id, only when the target variable is less than or equal to the first quartile.

I tried to do this:

total_trans %>% group_by(merchant_category_id) %>% summarise(counting = count(merchant_category_id))

Response is an error:

Error in summarise_impl(.data, dots) : 
  Evaluation error


total_trans %>% summarise(Range = list(range(merchant_category_id[target <= summary(target)[2]])))


1 -1, 891

Also try:

total_trans %>% group_by(merchant_category_id) %>% summarise(Range = list(range(target[target < -0.80808])))


# A tibble: 325 x 2
   merchant_category_id Range    
                  <int> <list>   
 1                   -1 <dbl [2]>
 2                    2 <dbl [2]>
 3                    9 <dbl [2]>
 4                   11 <dbl [2]>
 5                   14 <dbl [2]>
 6                   16 <dbl [2]>
 7                   18 <dbl [2]>
 8                   19 <dbl [2]>
 9                   21 <dbl [2]>
10                   27 <dbl [2]>
# ... with 315 more rows
There were 26 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

If I do this

total_trans %>% count(merchant_category_id, wt = target < -0.80808)


total_trans %>%
  mutate(q1 = target <= quantile(target, 1/4)) %>%
  filter(q1) %>%
  group_by(merchant_category_id) %>%
  summarise(count = n())

I get this in response:

   merchant_category_id     n
                  <int> <int>
 1                   -1   432
 2                    2  8364
 3                    9  2580
 4                   11     9
 5                   14  1800
 6                   16   177
 7                   18     4
 8                   19 24371
 9                   21   466
10                   27     4

This is almost what I need. It is only necessary to order column n, from the largest quantity to the smallest quantity

How to use dplyr to do this?


  • I don't know it this is best answer:

    top_n(total_trans %>%
      mutate(q1 = target <= quantile(target, 1/4)) %>%
      filter(q1) %>%
      group_by(merchant_category_id) %>%
      summarise(count = n())%>% arrange(desc(count)), 20)

    But works using top_n.

    Thank you very much everybody!!!!