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How to use flatMapLatest on a driver with RxSwift

I'm trying to fetch some data from the network whenever the location of my user changes.

struct CityService {
  private init() {}

  static let shared = CityService()

  lazy var nearbyCities: Driver<[City]> = {
    return GeolocationService.instance.location
      .flatMapLatest({ coordinate in
        let location = CLLocation(latitude: coordinate.latitude, longitude: coordinate.longitude)
        return CityService.shared.fetchNearbyCitiesFor(location)
      }).asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])

  func fetchNearbyCitiesFor(_ location: CLLocation) -> Observable<[City]> {
    return Observable.create { observer in
      let disposable = Disposables.create()

      // Mock a fetch from the network:
      let cities = [City(name: "Amsterdam"), City(name: "Berlin")]

      return disposable

class GeolocationService {
  static let instance = GeolocationService()
  private (set) var location: Driver<CLLocationCoordinate2D>
// from:

struct City {
  let name: String

However, this is not compiling, due to:

Cannot convert value of type 'SharedSequence<DriverSharingStrategy, [Any]>' to specified type 'Driver<[City]>'
(aka 'SharedSequence<DriverSharingStrategy, Array<City>>')

I've also tried to add some Type hinting to get a better error:

lazy var nearbyCities: Driver<[City]> = {
  return GeolocationService.shared.location
  .flatMapLatest({ coordinate -> Observable<[City]> in
    let location = CLLocation(latitude: coordinate.latitude, longitude: coordinate.longitude)
    let nearbyCities: Observable<[City]> = CityService.shared.fetchNearbyCitiesFor(location)
    return nearbyCities.catch
  }).asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [City]())

But all that gives me is:

Cannot convert value of type '(_) -> Observable<[City]>' to expected argument type '(CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> SharedSequence<_, _>'

What am I doing wrong here?


  • You are putting the .asDriver call in the wrong place.

    lazy var nearbyCities: Driver<[City]> = {
        return GeolocationService.instance.location
            .flatMapLatest({ (coordinate) -> Driver<[City]> in
                let location = CLLocation(latitude: coordinate.latitude, longitude: coordinate.longitude)
                return CityService.shared.fetchNearbyCitiesFor(location)
                    .asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])