I am trying to add a link to the show of an ActiveAdmin resource, Volunteer_Details.
After editing a record in the model, there is no link to the index of that resource.
I know I can simply click the resource page link at the top, but I'd like to add a link in the show view of each record for convenience.
I have looked here and attempted to follow that method to add a link.
My code looks like this:
show do
attributes_table do
row :id
row 'Name' do |m|
m.participant.first_name + ' ' +m.participant.last_name
row :date
row :importance
row :story
row :questions
row :created_at
row :updated_at
row 'Go Back' do
link_to 'Volunteer Details', admin_volunteer_detail_path
If I am on this record http://localhost:3000/admin/volunteer_details/4
My code links back to this
The link that my show view creates links back to the page I am already on, and not `http://localhost:3000/admin/volunteer_details/
I would like the link to go back to the volunteer_details
index page.`
you can add a link on the top resource links as,
action_item :view, only: :show do
link_to 'Volunteer Details', admin_volunteer_details_path
row 'Go Back' do
link_to 'Volunteer Details', admin_volunteer_details_path
in your code
note that index path is not admin_volunteer_detail_path
but it should be admin_volunteer_details_path