I'm trying to obtain nested subgraphs in graphviz.
Graphviz version is 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)
Here is the code:
digraph G {
subgraph cluster_win {
label = "Windows"
subgraph extra_enabled {
fillcolor = "#EDF1F2";
color = "#028d35";
label="Subdirectory extra included";
node [style=filled,color=white];
config_debug1 [label = "Configure Debug"];
config_release1 [label = "Configure Release"];
build_debug1 [label = "Build"];
build_release1 [label = "Build"];
config_debug1 -> build_debug1;
config_release1 -> build_release1;
subgraph extra_disabled {
label = "Subdirectory extra excluded";
config_debug2 [label = "Configure Debug"];
config_release2 [label = "Configure Release"];
build_debug2 [label = "Build"];
build_release2 [label = "Build"];
config_debug2 -> build_debug2;
config_release2 -> build_release2;
checkout [style=filled, color=white];
checkout -> extra_enabled;
checkout -> extra_disabled;
start -> checkout;
start [label="git push"; shape=Mdiamond];
Graphviz draws two ordinary nodes "extra_enabled" and "extra_disabled". However, I want them to be subgraphs, containing nodes "Configure Release", "Configure Debug", "Build" and another "Build".
How can I fix it?
You need to do two things:
Applying this to your code
digraph G {
subgraph cluster_win {
label = "Windows "
subgraph cluster_extra_enabled {
fillcolor = "#EDF1F2";
color = "#028d35";
label="Subdirectory extra included";
node [style=filled,color=white];
config_debug1 [label = "Configure Debug"];
config_release1 [label = "Configure Release"];
build_debug1 [label = "Build"];
build_release1 [label = "Build"];
config_debug1 -> build_debug1;
config_release1 -> build_release1;
subgraph cluster_extra_disabled {
label = "Subdirectory extra excluded";
config_debug2 [label = "Configure Debug"];
config_release2 [label = "Configure Release"];
build_debug2 [label = "Build"];
build_release2 [label = "Build"];
config_debug2 -> build_debug2;
config_release2 -> build_release2;
checkout [style=filled, color=white];
checkout -> config_debug1;
checkout -> config_release2;
start -> checkout;
start [label="git push"; shape=Mdiamond];
I get
which is probably close to what you want. Note that I have added a few spaces to the label "Windows " to get it out of the way of the arrow. You could also use labeljust
. There are also ways to make the edge end at the boundary of the cluster, but that would have needed a lot more editing on my part which I was not sure you want it.