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Laravel do not retrieve double value from database

I have been trying to get price data from table 'rates' and store it in another table 'bookings'.

$duit =Booking::Join('rates', 'bookings.park_area','=', 'rates.areaid')
    ->where('bookings.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->userid)

However, i get an error stating that the value retrieve is not of a double datatype: {"price":80}. So, I tried changing first(['rates.price']); to value('rates.price') but it stores as null.

So, why does {"price":80} become null and how to get the value of 80?


  • you can used like that use select method here or directly get

    get object value directly ->first()->price instead or this -->first(['rates.price']);

    $duit = Booking::Join('rates', 'bookings.park_area','=', 'rates.areaid')
        ->where('bookings.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->userid)
    $bookings->price = $duit;