Reading about generic functions in Swift, I see that it is possible to put some constraints on a parameter by requiring, that it is a subclass of a given class C, or that it implements a given protocol P. But I wonder if there is a way to require both at the same time. I haven't found anything about that yet.
Does anyone know?
Actually You can do that.
If you have seen Codable
in swift it is actually Decodable
and Encodable
typealias Codable = Decodable & Encodable
So in some function if you are using generic T as Codable
struct StructOfCodable<T:Codable>: Codable {
Here is example
protocol Test {}
class TClass {
typealias Common = Test & TClass
func generic <T:Common>(method:T) {
Another way is protocol and class both can have super class. So you can create common protocol
protocol CommonInProtocolAndStruct { }
protocol ProtocolUsedAsConstraint:CommonInProtocolAndStruct {}
struct StructUsedAsConstraint:CommonInProtocolAndStruct {}
And any method you can use CommonInProtocolAndStruct
as generic constraint