I'm following along in Pawel Glowacki's Expert Delphi book. On page 98 he has the following onClick event handler:
procedure TFormFavJSON.btnReadDOMClick(Sender: TObject);
favs: TFavorites; valRoot: TJSONValue; objRoot: TJSONObject;
valFavs: TJSONValue; arrFavs: TJSONArray;
favs := TFavorites.Create;
// Several lines of code omitted
However when I type .Cre and use the code completion Ctrl + Space the IDE completes the code with a set of empty parenthesis.
favs := TFavorites.Create();
So which of the following is the most correct?
favs := TFavorites.Create;
favs := TFavorites.Create();
Makes no difference. Pascal allows either syntax. I prefer without parentheses when there is no need.