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Python Code to convert Wed, 06 Feb 2019 20:47:46 GMT to 2019-02-06 15:47:46 EST or EDT

I am trying to convert GMT time to EST/EDT format in Python.

GMT Format: Wed, 06 Feb 2019 20:47:46 GMT
Required Format: 2019-02-06 15:47:46 EST (when daylight time starts it should be EDT)

I need this without doing any additional pip install. Currently, I am using below code which is giving EST time as : 2019-02-06 15:47:46-05:00

import datetime
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import tz

enable_date = response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPHeaders"]["date"]
print "Enable Date in GMT: {0}".format(enable_date)
from_zone = tz.gettz('UTC')
to_zone = tz.gettz('US/Eastern')
utc = datetime.strptime(enable_date, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
utc = utc.replace(tzinfo=from_zone)
central = utc.astimezone(to_zone)
print "Enable Date in EST: {0}".format(central)


Enable Date in GMT: Wed, 06 Feb 2019 20:47:46 GMT
Enable Date in EST: 2019-02-06 15:47:46-05:00

desired output:

Enable Date in EST: 2019-02-06 15:47:46 EST

Variable enable_date has value Wed, 06 Feb 2019 20:47:46 GMT


  • gmt_date = "Thu, 07 Feb 2019 15:33:28 GMT"
    def date_convert():
        print "Date in GMT: {0}".format(gmt_date)
        # Hardcode from and to time zones
        from_zone = tz.gettz('GMT')
        to_zone = tz.gettz('US/Eastern')
        # gmt = datetime.gmtnow()
        gmt = datetime.strptime(gmt_date, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
        # Tell the datetime object that it's in GMT time zone
        gmt = gmt.replace(tzinfo=from_zone)
        # Convert time zone
        eastern_time = str(gmt.astimezone(to_zone))
        # Check if its EST or EDT        
        if eastern_time[-6:] == "-05:00":
            print "Date in US/Eastern: " +eastern_time.replace("-05:00"," EST")
        elif eastern_time[-6:] == "-04:00":
            print "Date in US/Eastern: " +eastern_time.replace("-04:00"," EDT")