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When is it safe to re-use memory from a trivially destructible object without laundering

Regarding the following code:

class One { 
  double number{};

class Two {
  int integer{};

class Mixture {
  double& foo() {
    new (&storage) One{1.0};
    return reinterpret_cast<One*>(&storage)->number;

  int& bar() {
    new (&storage) Two{2};
    return reinterpret_cast<Two*>(&storage)->integer;

  std::aligned_storage_t<8> storage;

int main() {
  auto mixture = Mixture{};
  cout << << endl;
  cout << << endl;

I haven't called the destructor for the types because they are trivially destructible. My understanding of the standard is that for this to be safe, we would need to launder the pointer to storage before passing it to the reinterpret_cast. However, std::optional's implementation in libstdc++ does not seem to use std::launder() and simply constructs the object right into the union storage.

Is my example above well defined behavior? What do I need to do to make it work? Would a union make this work?


  • In your code, you do need std::launder in order to make your reinterpret_cast do what you want it to do. This is a separate issue from that of re-using memory. According to the standard ([expr.reinterpret].cast]7), your expression


    is equivalent to:


    However, the outer static_cast does not succeed in producing a pointer to the newly created One object because according to [expr.static.cast]/13,

    if the original pointer value points to an object a, and there is an object b of type T (ignoring cv-qualification) that is pointer-interconvertible (6.9.2) with a, the result is a pointer to b. Otherwise, the pointer value is unchanged by the conversion.

    That is, the resulting pointer still points to the storage object, not to the One object nested within it, and using it as a pointer to a One object would violate the strict aliasing rule. You must use std::launder to force the resulting pointer to point to the One object. Or, as pointed out in the comments, you could simply use the pointer returned by placement new directly, rather than the one obtained from reinterpret_cast.

    If, as suggested in the comments, you used a union instead of aligned_storage,

    union {
        One one;
        Two two;

    you would sidestep the pointer-interconvertibility issue, so std::launder would not be needed on account of non-pointer-interconvertibility. However, there is still the issue of re-use of memory. In this particular case, std::launder is not needed on account of re-use because your One and Two classes do not contain any non-static data members of const-qualified or reference type ([]/8).

    Finally, there was the question of why libstdc++'s implementation of std::optional does not use std::launder, even though std::optional may contain classes that contain non-static data members of const-qualified or reference type. As pointed out in comments, libstdc++ is part of the implementation, and may simply elide std::launder when the implementers know that GCC will still compile the code properly without it. The discussion that led up to the introduction of std::launder (see CWG 1776 and the linked thread, N4303, P0137) seems to indicate that, in the opinion of people who understand the standard much better than I do, std::launder is indeed required in order to make the union-based implementation of std::optional well-defined in the presence of members of const-qualified or reference type. However, I am not sure that the standard text is clear enough to make this obvious, and it might be worth having a discussion about how it might be clarified.