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can't select data from a dictionary inside a list

I have two jsonb fields in the table below and I would like to do a query where I filter any key of the dictionary.

Table with data

My problem is that those dictionaries are inside of a list and when I try to access them with:

FROM public.monitoring_environmentalcontrol
WHERE celery_status->'queue'='0'

I get nothing:

Result table


  • You can use jsonb_array_elements DOC function to achieve your goal plus a LATERAL JOIN LATERAL Subqueries on it:

    This is the setup I created:

    create table test (
      id int, 
      celery_status jsonb
    insert into test values 
    (1,'[{"queue":"a"}, {"queue":"b"}, {"queue":"c"}]'),
    (2,'[{"queue":"d"}, {"queue":"e"}, {"queue":"f"}]'),
    (3,'[{"queue":"g"}, {"queue":"h"}, {"queue":"i"}]');

    This is the query:

    select, t.celery_status, obj->>'queue'
    from test t
         join lateral
         jsonb_array_elements(t.celery_status) obj(value) on obj->>'queue' = 'a'

    You can see it working here:!17/bf7bf/6