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How to hide horizontal scroll indicator for ios in nativescript angular

Hi I am developing application for iOS and Android using NativeScript-Angular. I have created horizontal ListView using RadListView plugin. Everything works fine, but the scroll indicator does not hide in iOS.

In Android the scroll indicator was hidden. How can I fix this issue in iOS?

My Html file:

 <RadListView row="0" selectionBehavior="Press" (itemSelected)="onItemSelected($event)"  #menurad class="m-t-10" row="0" height="50"  [items]="allMenuList">
                <ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-themenu="item" let-i="index">
                        <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" (tap)="menuClick(i)" >
                                <Label class="Selected" [text]="themenu.menuName" ></Label>
                                <Label width="20"></Label>
                <ListViewLinearLayout tkListViewLayout scrollDirection="Horizontal"></ListViewLinearLayout>


  • This should work for RadListView

    onLoaded(event) {
        const listView = event.object;
        if (listView.ios) {
            listView.ios.collectionView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false;
            // In case of vertical scrollbars uncomment the line below 
            // listView.ios.collectionView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false;

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