My problem is the following one: I have a list of bank accounts, they are looped in a v-for. For each bank account, I have a button to be able to delete it. When a user delete a bank account, I want to display a confirmation modal with a confirm method. I have to pass the index of the v-for to the method to know which element I have to delete from the original array. When I passed that index, it doesn't match to the index of the current element. Here is a visual support:
<div v-for="(bankAccount, index) in bankAccounts" :key="">
<ModalConfirm @close="showModal = false" @confirmDelete="deleteBA(index)" v-if="showModal" />
<p class="color--lg light">{{ }}</p>
<button @click="showModal = true">
Delete bank account
So here, the index value in the method deleteBA is not the same than the original index of the v-for. I can't understand why !
I created a live example:
Thanks for any help !
The issues is in the following code:
<div class="hello card-container">
<ul v-for="(element, index) in elements" :key="index">
<li class="card">
<div>{{ index }}</div>
<button @click="showModal = true;">Delete bank account {{element}}</button>
@close="showModal = false;"
you have one modal for each account , but use a single boolean value to toggle all. @click="showModal = true;"
While there are ways to handle that by adding a modal boolean for each item, it's unnecessary to have a modal for each item, and better to reuse the same modal.
you can use a modal index instead of a boolean, so @click="showModal = index"
<div class="hello card-container">
<ul v-for="(element, index) in elements" :key="index">
<li class="card">
<div>{{ index }}</div>
<button @click="showModal = index;">Delete bank account {{element}}</button>
@close="showModal = -1"
v-if="showModal >= 0"