I'm trying to make a script with P5.js library that lets the user drag and drop a ball that is affected by gravity. When the user drops the ball I need to measure the speed of it. With that information then I'm able to act in two different ways:
How can I get the instant speed of the ball? Can someone help me?
the code is:
function Ball() {
this.diameter = 50;
this.v_speed = 0;
this.gravity = 0.2;
this.starty = height/2 - 100;
this.ypos = this.starty;
this.xpos = width/2;
this.update = function(){
this.v_speed = this.v_speed + this.gravity;
this.ypos = this.ypos + this.v_speed;
if (this.ypos >= height-this.diameter/2){
this.v_speed *= -1.0; // change direction
this.v_speed = this.v_speed*0.9;
if ( Math.abs(this.v_speed) < 0.5 ) {
this.ypos = this.starty;
this.show = function(){
ellipse(this.xpos, this.ypos, this.diameter);
Write a function, which checks if a XY coordinate is on the ball:
this.onBall = function(x, y) {
let dx = x - this.xpos;
let dy = y - this.ypos;
let dist = Math.sqrt(dx*dx, dy*dy)
return dist <= this.diameter/2;
And 2 functions which start and stop dragging. The start function has set this.v_speed = 0
and to notice the current x and y coordinate of the mouse:
this.startDrag = function() {
this.drag = true;
this.v_speed = 0;
this.mousex = mouseX;
this.mousey = mouseY;
this.endDrag = function() {
this.drag = false;
Use the mousePressed()
and mouseReleased()
event to start and stop dragging of the Ball. Dragging is stated if the mouse is on the ball:
function mousePressed() {
if ( ball.onBall(mouseX, mouseY))
function mouseReleased() {
In update
you have to implement 2 cases 1 for dragging and 1 for gravity:
this.update = function() {
this.minY = this.diameter/2;
this.maxY = height-this.diameter/2;
this.minX = this.diameter/2;
this.maxX = width-this.diameter/2;
if (this.drag) {
// ... draging
} else {
// ... gravity
In case of "dragging" set the position of the ball to the mouse position. Further you have to update the initial horizontal speed this.v_speed_x
and the vertical speed this.v_speed
. The speed depends on the sidewards movement, immediately after the Ball is released (dragging ends):
this.xpos = Math.max(this.minX, Math.min(this.maxX, mouseX));
this.ypos = mouseY;
this.v_speed_x = this.v_speed_x/2 + (mouseX - this.mousex);
this.v_speed = this.v_speed/2 + (mouseY - this.mousey);
this.mousex = mouseX;
this.mousey = mouseY;
In "gravity" case the fall and bounce has to be calculated as so far. Additional the decreasing sideward movement has to be applied:
// calculate gravity
this.v_speed = this.v_speed + this.gravity;
this.ypos = this.ypos + this.v_speed;
if (this.ypos >= this.maxY){
this.ypos = this.maxY;
this.v_speed *= -1.0; // change direction
this.v_speed = this.v_speed*0.9;
// the following has to be skipped if the ball is allowed to be thrown
// up to the sky (out of the screen at the top)
if (this.ypos <= this.minY){
this.ypos = this.minY;
this.v_speed *= -1.0;
this.v_speed = this.v_speed*0.9;
// calculate side movement
this.xpos = this.xpos + this.v_speed_x;
if ( this.xpos <= this.minX){
this.xpos = this.minX;
this.v_speed_x *= -1;
if ( this.xpos >= this.maxX){
this.xpos = this.maxX;
this.v_speed_x *= -1;
this.v_speed_x = this.v_speed_x * 0.99;
See the example:
function Ball() {
this.diameter = 80;
this.v_speed = 0;
this.gravity = 0.2;
this.ypos = height/2 - 100;
this.xpos = width/2;
this.drag = false;
this.v_speed_x = 0;
this.onBall = function(x, y) {
let dx = x - this.xpos;
let dy = y - this.ypos;
let dist = Math.sqrt(dx*dx, dy*dy)
return dist <= this.diameter/2;
this.startDrag = function() {
this.drag = true;
this.mousex = mouseX;
this.mousey = mouseY;
this.endDrag = function() {
this.drag = false;
this.update = function() {
this.minY = this.diameter/2;
this.maxY = height-this.diameter/2;
this.minX = this.diameter/2;
this.maxX = width-this.diameter/2;
if (this.drag) {
this.xpos = Math.max(this.minX, Math.min(this.maxX, mouseX));
this.ypos = mouseY;
this.v_speed_x = this.v_speed_x/2 + (mouseX - this.mousex);
this.v_speed = this.v_speed/2 + (mouseY - this.mousey);
this.mousex = mouseX;
this.mousey = mouseY;
} else {
// calculate gravity
this.v_speed = this.v_speed + this.gravity;
this.ypos = this.ypos + this.v_speed;
if (this.ypos >= this.maxY){
this.ypos = this.maxY;
this.v_speed *= -1.0;
this.v_speed = this.v_speed*0.9;
if (/*false &&*/ this.ypos <= this.minY){
this.ypos = this.minY;
this.v_speed *= -1.0;
this.v_speed = this.v_speed*0.9;
// calculate side movement
this.xpos = this.xpos + this.v_speed_x;
if ( this.xpos <= this.minX){
this.xpos = this.minX;
this.v_speed_x *= -1;
if ( this.xpos >= this.maxX){
this.xpos = this.maxX;
this.v_speed_x *= -1;
this.v_speed_x = this.v_speed_x * 0.99;
this.show = function(){
ellipse(this.xpos, this.ypos, this.diameter);
var ball;
function mousePressed() {
if ( ball.onBall(mouseX, mouseY))
function mouseReleased() {
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
ball = new Ball();
function draw() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.7.3/p5.js"></script>