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Airbnb-DeepLinkDispatch without Activities

I'm trying to use deepLinkDispatch lib without activities (Conductor). I have only one activity in my project, and the others screens are Controllers. When I try to map my controller with @DeepLink("xxx://test").

I get the error:

com.sample.test/com.sample.test.feature.form.view.controller.HostFormController}; have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

Of course not because It's not an Activity :P

class HostFormController : com.bluelinelabs.conductor.Controller{

Any idea how to use deepLink without activities?


  • DeepLinkDispatch is unfortunately only for Activities. You're not going to get it to work with any style of single-Activity architecture, whether it be Fragments, Conductor, or raw Views. There are several other libs that give more flexibility, and it's also not that hard to roll your own.