I am testing a very small macro which uses a Proc SQL command to extract from a SQL database. I have used this many times and understand how it works but this time it is stumping me!
%macro Correlation(dsn,db,prevdb,prodcode,sqltable,var,brick);
proc sql;
connect to ODBC (required="DSN=&dsn;" );
create table comp_correlation as select * from connection to ODBC
(select a.Table_Name,
a.Correlation as Current_Corr
from DBTest.dbo.MetaData as a
where Product_Code=&prodcode. and Table_Name=&sqltable. and
disconnect from ODBC;
I am then calling this macro with the following parameters. My server name is censored but I can assure you it connects successfully.
%Correlation(********, A2019, A2018, HouseValues, Houses, Value);
However, it returns the following error:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'HouseValues'.
Anyone know why this is happening? I am not even trying to select the Product Code as a column, it is only in my where statement?
I have now fixed this using the %bquote
%macro Correlation(dsn,db,prevdb,prodcode,sqltable,var,brick);
proc sql;
connect to ODBC (required="DSN=&dsn;" );
create table comp_correlation as select * from connection to ODBC
(select a.Table_Name,
a.Correlation as Current_Corr
from DBTest.dbo.MetaData as a
where Product_Code=%bquote('&prodcode') and Table_Name=%bquote('&sqltable') and
disconnect from ODBC;