I am working on an application where I have to display data/information about the vehicle details. I have 2 tables make
and model
with make_id
being the foreign key in model
table. I have 2 entity classes Make
and Model
as shown below:
@Table(name = "make")
public class Make {
@Column(name = "make_id")
private String makeId;
@Column(name = "make_name")
private String makeName;
@JoinColumn(name = "mfg_unit_id")
private MfgUnit mfgUnit;
// Getter and Setters
@Table(name = "model")
public class Model {
@Column(name = "model_id")
private String modelId;
@Column(name = "model_creation_date")
private Date modelCreationDate;
@Column(name = "make_id")
private long makeId;
@JoinColumn(name = "make_id")
private Make make;
// Getter and Setters
I am able to retrieve all the Make
s, but my requirement is to only retrieve the Make
s for which the model_creation_date
is between today and last 30 days. Can anyone help me with how to build the Hibernate criteria for this?
there can be another solution, but to achieve this you need to modify your Make class as following introducing a new relationship (@OneToMany) with Model class:
@Table(name = "make")
public class Make {
@Column(name = "make_id")
private String makeId;
@Column(name = "make_name")
private String makeName;
// ** introduced new relationship **
@OneToMany(mappedBy="make", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List<Model> models;
@JoinColumn(name = "mfg_unit_id")
private MfgUnit mfgUnit;
// Getter and Setters
And keep the 'Model' class as it is:
@Table(name = "model")
public class Model {
@Column(name = "model_id")
private String modelId;
// change the datatype as Date or similar Datatype
@Column(name = "model_creation_date")
private Date modelCreationDate;
@Column(name = "make_id")
private long makeId;
@JoinColumn(name = "make_id")
private Make make;
// Getter and Setters
Once you have the relationship with 'Model' from 'Make' you can execute the following code to get your result:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
// today
Date toDate=cal.getTime();
cal.add( Calendar.DATE, -30 );
//date before 30 days
Date fromDate=cal.getTime();
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Make.class , "m")
.createAlias("models", "s")
.add(Restrictions.between("s.modelCreationDate", fromDate, toDate))
// if the above condition dosen't give you exact result you may try following(2)
// try gt or lt ... as needed
//.add(Restrictions.ge("publicationDate", fromDate))
//.add(Restrictions.le("publicationDate", fromDate))
List<Make> ll2 = criteria.list();