I am trying to make a script work from both DrRacket and the repl, having this as my starting point: Racket calculator
Here is my current code:
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require parser-tools/lex
(prefix-in re: parser-tools/lex-sre)
(define-tokens value-tokens (INT ANY))
(define-empty-tokens empty-tokens
(define basic-lexer
((re:+ numeric) (token-INT lexeme))
(#\+ (token-PLUS))
(#\- (token-MINUS))
(#\* (token-MULTIPLY))
(#\/ (token-DIVIDE))
((re:or #\tab #\space) (basic-lexer input-port))
(#\newline (token-NEWLINE))
((eof) (token-EOF))
(any-char (token-ANY lexeme))))
(define (display-plus expr)
(display "Result: ")
(let ((left (string->number (first expr)))
(right (string->number (last expr))))
(display (+ left right)))
(define (display-minus expr)
(display "Result: ")
(let ((left (string->number (first expr)))
(right (string->number (last expr))))
(display (- left right)))
(define (display-multiply expr)
(display "Result: ")
(let ((left (string->number (first expr)))
(right (string->number (last expr))))
(display (* left right)))
(define (display-divide expr)
(display "Result: ")
(let ((left (string->number (first expr)))
(right (string->number (last expr))))
(display (/ left right)))
(define basic-parser
(start start)
(tokens value-tokens empty-tokens)
(error (lambda (ok? name value)
(printf "Couldn't parse: ~a\n" name)))
(start ((expr) $1)
((expr start) $2))
(expr ((INT PLUS INT) (display-plus (list $1 $3)))
((INT MINUS INT) (display-minus (list $1 $3)))
((INT MULTIPLY INT) (display-multiply (list $1 $3)))
((INT DIVIDE INT) (display-divide (list $1 $3)))
((ANY) (displayln $1))))))
(define input1 (open-input-string "123 + 456"))
(define input2 (open-input-string "123 *456"))
(basic-parser (lambda() (basic-lexer input1)))
(basic-parser (lambda() (basic-lexer input2)))
;(define (my-repl)
; (display ">>> ")
; (let* ((input (read-line))
; (input-port (open-input-string
; (list->string
; (drop-right
; (string->list input) 1)))))
; (cond
; ((not (equal? "\r" input)
; (print (basic-parser
; (lambda () (basic-lexer input-port))))))))
; (my-repl))
(define (calc str)
(let* ([port (open-input-string str)]
[result (basic-parser (lambda() (basic-lexer port)))])
(displayln result)))
(define (repl)
(display ">>> ")
(let ((input (read-line)))
(print input)
((eof-object? input) (displayln "eof"))
((eq? input #\newline) (displayln "new line"))
(else (calc (read-line))))
A test from DrRacket is shown here:
Welcome to DrRacket, version 7.1 [3m].
Language: racket, with debugging; memory limit: 512 MB.
Result: 579
Result: 56088
> (repl)
>>> 1+1
Result: 4
>>> 3+3
Result: 8
And from the repl:
Welcome to Racket v7.1.
> (require "untitled7.rkt")
Result: 579
Result: 56088
> (repl)
>>> "\r"
>>> 1+1
Result: 4
>>> 3+3
Result: 8
>>> #<eof>eof
>>> ; user break [,bt for context]
It only displays every second calculation. It appears that read-line returns a new line before waiting for user input, which I tried to check with (eof-object? input)
and (eq? input #\newline)
but now I get only every second result.
There are two problems:
First, you're reading a line, (let ((input (read-line)))
, but you're not sending that input to the calculator, you'r sending another one – (calc (read-line))
You should pass input
to calc
for evaluation instead.
Second, you have a lot of #<void>
s in your output.
This is because calc
assumes that your parser produces a value that it can print:
(displayln result)
but the parser does not produce any value, it only prints one.
Either remove the output of result
, or rewrite the parser to return the value to its caller.