I’m trying to get my head around a problem and hoping for some clarity I have built a basic LAMP site running on a VPS. My client also has a site built on WIX (online website builder)
I would like to get both sites running under the one domain name. Perfect solution would be (though I don’t believe is possible):
My next idea would be to use subdomains:
Is any of the above possible when trying to work with WIX and LAMP setups without spending lots of money on something like nginx? Or do I just have to use different domains?
I am not familiar with WIX ecosystem but I think that the path of least resistance is to just setup a subdomain using DNS records.
Refer to your DNS manager, but basically you just want to add an A
Your DNS records might look like
example.com. A
www.example.com. A
So you will just need to add
xyz.example.com. A
If your DNS records are managed by WIX, I found the proper documentation.
By the way, Nginx open source is free. Nginx plus is a paid service that includes some goodies on top. Blog post Feature comparison