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Unable to use libproc in a sandboxed OSX app for app store

I have a C++ application that uses libproc to get a list of open applications. Works as expected when not sandboxed. However to deploy to app store, it must be sandboxed and when doing so, proc_listallpids (from libproc) no longer works. Anyway around this?

#include <libproc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void find_pids()
    pid_t pids[2048];
    int bytes = proc_listallpids(pids, sizeof(pids));
    int n_proc = bytes / sizeof(pids[0]);
    for (int i = 0; i < n_proc; i++) {
        struct proc_bsdinfo proc;
        int st = proc_pidinfo(pids[i], PROC_PIDTBSDINFO, 0,
                              &proc, PROC_PIDTBSDINFO_SIZE);
        printf("%s\n", proc.pbi_name);

int main()
    return 0;


  • NSWorkspace.runningApplications is the more Mac-specific way to get info about running applications (rather than just processes), it's possible that will work in a sandboxed app. But in general, sandboxed apps shouldn't be able to see each other.