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State machine transitions to impossible state on Signal Tap

I am trying to output one bit at a time via SPI from a know 2D array.

logic [7:0] fpga_status_queue [0:17],

My state machine is for some reason going to a weird state.


Here is my code:

     input clk,
    input sclk, 
    input cs, // Clock Enable
    input rst_n,  // Asynchronous reset active low
    input fpgastatus_command,
    input logic [3:0] group_control,
    input logic [7:0] loopback,
    output logic [7:0] fpga_status_queue [0:17],
    output logic dout

    // `include "../../config_files/rtl_config.svh"

    assign fpga_status_queue[ 0] = 8'h1;//{group_control};
    assign fpga_status_queue[ 1] = 8'h1;//{loopback}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[ 2] = 8'h1;//{synth_version[0]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[ 3] = 8'h1;//{synth_version[1]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[ 4] = 8'h1;//{synth_version[2]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[ 5] = 8'h1;//{grid_version[0]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[ 6] = 8'h1;//{grid_version[1]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[ 7] = 8'h1;//{grid_version[2]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[ 8] = 8'h1;//{pa_version[0]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[ 9] = 8'h1;//{pa_version[1]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[10] = 8'h1;//{pa_version[2]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[11] = 8'h1;//{hdl_version[0]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[12] = 8'h1;//{hdl_version[1]}; 
    assign fpga_status_queue[13] = 8'h1;//{hdl_version[2]};     
    assign fpga_status_queue[14] = '1;
    assign fpga_status_queue[15] = '1;
    assign fpga_status_queue[16] = '0;
    assign fpga_status_queue[17] = '0;

    logic bit_run_counter;
    logic bit_load_counter;
    logic [4:0] bit_current_value;
    logic bit_count_reached;

    logic word_run_counter;
    logic word_load_counter;
    logic [4:0] word_current_value;
    logic word_count_reached;

    typedef enum logic [2:0] {IDLE, CS_WAIT, MISO_OUT, BIT_CHANGE, WORD_CHANGE} status_states;
    status_states current_state, next_state;

    always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin : step_forward
            current_state                        <= IDLE;
            current_state                        <= next_state;
    end : step_forward

    always_comb begin : set_next_state
        next_state = IDLE;
        case (current_state)
            IDLE       : next_state = fpgastatus_command ? CS_WAIT : IDLE;
            CS_WAIT    : next_state = ~cs ? MISO_OUT : CS_WAIT;
            MISO_OUT   : begin//next_state = sclk ? bit_count_reached ? word_count_reached ? IDLE: WORD_CHANGE : BIT_CHANGE: MISO_OUT;
                if (sclk && bit_count_reached && word_count_reached) 
                    next_state = IDLE;
                else if (sclk && bit_count_reached) 
                    next_state = WORD_CHANGE;
                else if (sclk)
                    next_state = BIT_CHANGE;
                    next_state = MISO_OUT;
            BIT_CHANGE : next_state = MISO_OUT;
            WORD_CHANGE: next_state = MISO_OUT;
            default : next_state = IDLE;

    always_comb begin : cntr_logic
        bit_run_counter           = '0;
        bit_load_counter          = '0;
        word_run_counter          = '0;
        word_load_counter         = '0;
        dout                      = '0;
        unique case (current_state)
            IDLE       :begin 
                bit_load_counter  = '1;
                word_load_counter = '1;
            CS_WAIT    :begin 
                bit_load_counter  = '1;
                word_load_counter = '1;
            MISO_OUT   :begin 
                dout              = fpga_status_queue[word_current_value][bit_current_value];
            BIT_CHANGE :begin 
                bit_run_counter   = '1;
                word_run_counter  = '1;
                bit_load_counter  = '1;
            default : dout        = '0;

    up_down_counter #(
        ) inst_bit_counter (
            .clk           (clk),
            .run_counter   (bit_run_counter),
            .rst_n         (rst_n),
            .count_value   (5'h7),
            .load_counter  (bit_load_counter),
            .up_counter    ('0),
            .current_value (bit_current_value),
            .count_reached (bit_count_reached)

    up_down_counter #(
        ) inst_word_counter (
            .clk           (clk),
            .run_counter   (word_run_counter),
            .rst_n         (rst_n),
            .count_value   (5'h11),
            .load_counter  (word_load_counter),
            .up_counter    ('0),
            .current_value (word_current_value),
            .count_reached (word_count_reached)


It should go to WORD_CHANGE but both WORD_CHANGE and MISO_OUT for the next state for current state.

Zoomed out image of waves zoomed in image of waves


  • This is almost certainly a timing issue. I'm guessing that sclk is not synchronous to clk - probably it's connected directly to a device input pin.

    The problem is this piece of code:

    else if (sclk)
       next_state = BIT_CHANGE;
       next_state = MISO_OUT;

    Whenever sclk transitions from zero to one, logic will raise the next_state bit corresponding to BIT_CHANGE, and in parallel lower the next_state bit corresponding to MISO_OUT. As this happens, there can be a brief moment where both bits are set or no bits are set, depending on which logic is faster. If you are unlucky and have a raising clk at this exact moment, you will get into the situation you are observing, where the state machine appears to be in two states at the same time.

    The solution is to synchronize sclk, cs, and any other signals that determine the next state to clk. Such synchronization is typically done by simply sending the signals through two flip-flops.