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Does each call to `yylex()` generate a token or all the tokens for the input?

I am trying to understand how flex works under the hood.

  • In the following first example, it seems that main() calls yylex() only once, and yylex() generates all the tokens for the entire input.

  • In the second example, it seems that main() calls yylex() once per token generated, and yylex() generates a token per call.

Does each call to yylex() generate a token or all the tokens for the input?

Why is yylex() called different number of times in the two examples?

I heard that yylex() is like a coroutine, and each call to it will resume with the rest of the input left from last call and generate a token. In that sense, how does the first example calls yylex() just once and generate all the tokens in the input?

/* just like Unix wc */
int chars = 0;
int words = 0;
int lines = 0;
[a-zA-Z]+  { words++; chars += strlen(yytext); }
\n         { chars++; lines++; }
.          { chars++; }
main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("%8d%8d%8d\n", lines, words, chars);

$ ./a.out
The boy stood on the burning deck
shelling peanuts by the peck
2 12 63


/* recognize tokens for the calculator and print them out */
   enum yytokentype {
     NUMBER = 258,
     ADD = 259,
     SUB = 260,
     MUL = 261,
     DIV = 262,
     ABS = 263,
     EOL = 264
   int yylval;
"+"    { return ADD; }
"-"    { return SUB; }
"*"    { return MUL; }
"/"    { return DIV; }
"|"    { return ABS; }
[0-9]+ { yylval = atoi(yytext); return NUMBER; }
\n     { return EOL; }
[ \t]  { /* ignore whitespace */ }
.      { printf("Mystery character %c\n", *yytext); }
main(int argc, char **argv)
  int tok;
  while(tok = yylex()) {
    printf("%d", tok);
    if(tok == NUMBER) printf(" = %d\n", yylval);
    else printf("\n");

$ ./a.out
a / 34 + |45
Mystery character a
258 = 34
258 = 45


  • Flex doesn't decide when the scanner will return (except for the default EOF rule). The scanner which it builds performs lexical actions in a loop until some action returns. So it is entirely up to you how you want to structure your scanner.

    However, the classic yyparse/yylex processing model consists of the parser calling yylex() every time it needs a new token. So it expects yylex() to return immediately once it finds a token.

    In your first code example, there is no parser and the scanner action is limited to printing out the token. While the example is perfectly correct, relying on the scanner loop to repeatedly execute actions, I'd prefer the second model even if you don't (yet) intend to add a parser, because it will make it easier to decouple token handling from token generation.

    That doesn't mean that every lexical action will contain a return statement, though. Some lexical patterns correspond to non-tokens (comments and whitespace, for example), and the corresponding action will most likely do nothing (other than possibly recording input position) so that the scanner will continue to search fir a token to return.

    (F)lex scanners are not easy to make into coroutines, so if a coroutine is really required (for example, to incrementally parse a asynchronous input), then another tool might be preferred.

    Bison does offer the possiblity to generate a "push parser" in which the scanner calls the parser every time it finds a token, rather than returning to the parser. But neither the "push" nor the traditional "pull" model have anything to do with coroutines, IMHO, and the use of the word to describe parser/scanner interaction strikes me as imprecise and unuseful (although I have a lot of respect for the author you might be quoting.)